After a sopping wet original event date, Lexington Park Holly Days has been rescheduled to Saturday, December 17 from 1-4 p.m in St. Mary’s Square. We would be so pleased to have you join us as a vendor!
If you already signed up, please do us a huge favor and fill out the vendor form again so that we have a record of your commitment to the new date. You will be automatically accepted. If you are a vendor that is new to the Holly Days roster, please apply and we will reach out to you shortly.
The Lexington Park Business Association (LexBA) and St. Mary’s County Community Development Corporation are hosting a holiday shopping experience (vendor fair) with Santa, craft opportunities, lights, carolers, Police & Fire Rescue and more. We are looking for vendors to sell items at our event for holiday shoppers. We are asking vendors for $20 down as a commitment fee. If you are interested, please fill out our vendor form and we will reach out to you. Lexington Park Holly Days will be held Saturday, December 17 from 1-4 p.m. in St. Mary’s Square, located at 21600 Great Mills Road, Lexington Park, MD 20653.
As a vendor, your business can set up a 10×10 tent and sell family-friendly items to holiday shoppers. There is a $20 fee to host a vendor booth and is payable to the St. Mary’s County Community Development Corporation. Once your application is reviewed, if you are accepted as a vendor, a representative will send you the link to pay via PayPal.
Sales Vendors: Please note that if you intend to take sales at your booth, you are responsible for any sales tools such as swipers and cash boxes. Any money your booth takes in is run through your business.
Non-Sales Vendors: If your business would like to be a vendor but does not typically sell tangible items, please let us know how you envision your booth contributing to the holiday atmosphere and our goal of bringing the holiday hustle & bustle to Lexington Park.
Food Trucks: We would be happy to host food trucks for this event, but we cannot provide power. Anything you provide must be handled by your truck.
This event is hosted by the Lexington Park Business Association and the Community Development Corporation (CDC). All proceeds will go to the CDC to fund its mission of revitalizing the greater Lexington Park community through investment in residential and commercial neighborhoods. Your contributions are tax deductible and are greatly appreciated.
The application is an inquiry only and Holly Days is not bound by the inquiry. We do not anticipate turning vendors away, but we reserve the right to deny any application.
Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you.
Kristin Kauffman
Lexington Park Holly Days Coordinator
Contact: lexingtonparkba@gmail.com