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Community Garden


Lexington Manor Passive Park
Community Garden


Get Involved

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About the Garden

Location & Hours

The garden is located in Lexington Manor Passive Park near the Lexington Park Post Office. For registered garden renters, garden access is available any day the park is open. Come Join us on:
Sundays (8 AM - 11 AM)
Thursdays (3 PM - 6 PM)

ADA Accessible & Open To All

The garden will have ADA-accessible tiles and paths, as well as garden beds on legs to allow gardeners to work while seated. The large garden beds will be open to all select hours of the week and shared among community members. During harvest, community members can take the produce they need. Excess produce will be donated to local food banks.


The garden is open!

Promoting Health & Exercise

Whether you’re a member, guest, or volunteer, working in the garden will provide a healthy outlet through physical activity. The garden will also make incorporating fresh produce into your diet easier and more accessible.

Providing Fresh Produce

Every person deserves access to fresh, healthy food — this garden will provide exactly that! Garden members are able to take the produce they grow and harvest, guests can tend to and collect from the communal beds during select hours, and all excess produce will be donated to local food banks.

A Community Gathering Place

Located in the heart of Lexington Park, the garden will be a place for community members to meet and work together. Events and educational programs will also be hosted at the garden to help with gardening basics, nutrition, and more.

How Does it work?

The Current Model

*Note the dark green rectangles represent two individual ADA beds.

Management: Steering Committee

We hold monthly meetings - anyone is welcome!

Day: First Friday of each month
Time: 9:30-10:30 am
Location: Lexington Park Library
We're currently hybrid! Need the zoom link? Email or text 301-857-9065.

Communal Plots

8 Large, In-Ground Plots

8 ADA Accessible Standing Beds

WHEN: Select hours bi-weekly (to be determined based on need)

WHO: Anyone who volunteers to help

CROPS: Chosen by garden steering committee with gardeners’ preferences in mind

YIELD: Gardeners can take the produce they need. Excess will be donated to food banks.

Rental Plots

32 Raised Beds

10 ADA Accessible Standing Beds


WHEN: Anytime during park hours (sunrise to sunset)

WHO: The individual, group, or family renting the plot

CROPS: Chosen by renter

YIELD: All produce belongs to renter for use as they choose.

Resources for Gardeners

Get Involved

Garden in Communal Plots

Rent A Plot

Join the Steering Commitee

How would YOU like to get involved?

Thinking About Renting a Plot?

Registration is NOW OPEN! Plots are first come, first serve.

Registration will cap at 70. There are only 42 plots available, so the remaining applicants will be placed on the waitlist.

Prefer a paper form?

Get paper forms outside the Lexington Park Library. Please place completed forms in the book drop box.


You can turn in the completed form at the Lexington Park Library submissions box (in the hallway) or email it to

Aid in Fundraising & Outreach

Help Construct the Garden


Support Us

As a non-profit organization, we rely on the generosity of individuals and businesses like you. We currently have funds for the basic construction of the garden, but still need to cover significant expenses to open in 2024. We’re making one final push to reach this opening goal.

Fundraising Efforts

Funds Raised
$ 0
Total Fundraising Progress: Goal of $40,000
Shed: Goal of $8,000
Operations*: Goal of $21,000
$17,000 80%
Irrigation: Goal of $13,000
$10,000 78%
Continued Construction*: Goal of $12,000
Web Designer 0%

“Operations” includes: Payroll for the garden manager, hoses, replacement tools and tiles, mulch and soil, etc.”

Sponsor Tiers

Receive Tax Credits!

Businesses and individuals that donate $500 or more are eligible to earn up to half the value of their donation back in the form of Maryland State Tax Credits, in addition to the standard tax deduction!

How to Donate

Any amount is much appreciated! We will send you a receipt of your donation that you can use for a tax deduction.

Donate Online

You can donate via PayPal or credit/debit card. You can donate one time, monthly, or yearly. 

Donate by Mail

Please Mail Checks to:

Attn: Taylor Smith St. Mary’s County Community Development Corporation 46940 S. Shangri La Dr., #7 Lexington Park, MD 20653 Memo: “Community Garden”

Donate Goods Or Services

We would greatly appreciate donations of soil, mulch, and tools. We’re looking for very specific soil & mulch products. If you’re interested, please send us an email at If you have any miscellaneous garden-related items you think we could use, please let us know!

Donate & Earn Tax Credits

Businesses and individuals that donate $500 or more are eligible to earn up to half the value of their donation back in the form of Maryland State Tax Credits, in addition to the standard tax deduction!

This includes donations of goods or real property that are at least $500+ in value.

For example: if you donate $1,000, you are eligible to receive $500 worth of Maryland State Tax Credits and will receive a $1,000 Tax Deduction.

Brought to You by:

The Maryland Community Investment Tax Credit Program

Tax Credits vs. Tax Deductions

  • Both Maryland State Tax Credits and Tax Deductions reduce the amount of taxes you owe
  • Maryland State Tax Credits are subtracted after the tax rate is applied
  • Tax Deductions are subtracted before the tax rate is applied
  • Maryland State Tax Credits have a greater impact than Tax Deductions of the same value


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